Dating During Divorce

Law Offices of Anthony R. Scifo – Call for a Free Consultation with a Divorce Lawyer – 847-628-8311

Dating During Divorce

Dating During Divorce

It’s understandable that many people may be eager to seek new relationships at the conclusion of a divorce. After all, going through months or even years of conflict in addition to a divorce proceeding can take its toll. But even though you might not be in that relationship any longer, dating during a divorce risks causing certain consequences. In some situations, it might not be worth the troubles. Speak with your divorce lawyer for useful advice regarding how to approach dating during a marital breakup.

Before a divorce finalizes, the legal system views a romantic relationship with someone besides your spouse as adultery. However, the state of Illinois in 2016 became what’s known as a no fault divorce state. This basically means spouses who are divorcing cannot cite adultery as grounds for getting a divorce. In addition, divorcing couples cannot use adultery as a means of collecting more spousal support.

But even though Illinois is a no-fault state, dating while you are going through a divorce might still impact the results of your case. For example, one effect could be the claim you are dissipating marital assets. In the event you and your spouse still share bank accounts or haven’t gone through division of properties yet, income you make while still in the marriage is viewed as marital property. If you choose to spend that current income by buying gifts for a new relationship partner, the court might require that you must reimburse your shared marital bank account.

Naturally, the specifics of each divorce case are unique. To get answers to your questions about dating during divorce in the state of Illinois, talk to an experienced divorce lawyer. Contact the Law Offices of Anthony R. Scifo at 847-628-8311.